The technological revolution of recent years has changed the way professionals in myriad fields do business – and it has changed the ways lawyers work as well. From 24-hour court filing to tablet apps that allow for electronic signatures and document distribution with a single click, lawyers are finding better ways to leave the office without sacrificing billable hours – or quality of work.
The ability to work “on the go” has made two nontraditional fringe benefits major players in the compensation of attorneys: flex time and telecommuting.
Flex Time
Flex time creates alternative schedules for employees. The type of schedule arrangement depends on the employee and the nature of the job. For instance, some flex time workers complete a 40-hour work week by working four ten-hour days instead of five eight-hour days. Others rearrange time here and there to allow for Wednesday afternoons out of the office or to create time in the afternoon to pick up children, run errands, or attend other events.
According to some studies, flex time improves productivity, lowers costs, and decreases absenteeism. By giving some employees the ability to control when they work, legal departments can ensure that things get done according to deadline while reducing the stress and risk of burnout that their employees face.
Telecommuting allows employees to work from home or another location that has telecommunications access. It is a natural complement to flex time because it allows employees to keep completing their work even when they aren’t “on site” – for instance, while they are home taking care of children or are on the road for another reason. Telecommuting has also been shown to increase productivity and employee morale.
Increasing numbers of employers and legal departments are allowing telecommuting for multiple reasons. First, businesses of all kinds find that it lowers costs, especially the overhead associated with maintaining a fully-functional office space for all workers. Law firms and legal departments in particular find telecommuting useful for attorneys who must spend part or all of any given day in court, navigating federal or state offices, or performing another work-related task, all while juggling the need to be available to clients and coworkers. Telecommuting makes these tasks manageable.
At Assigned Counsel, our experienced staffing partners can help you find the talent you need, whether your department seeks temporary help for a major project or a long-term addition to the team. Contact us today to learn more.
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