Category: Career Advice
Pathways to Becoming General Counsel Part Three: Developing Skills and Continued Legal Education
With this, our third and final post in the Becoming General Counsel series, it has hopefully become clear that there is no one singularly perfect
Pathways to Becoming General Counsel Part Two: The Importance of Networking and Mentoring
Recently, Assigned Counsel® hosted a roundtable discussion titled Pathways to Becoming General Counsel. One of the central themes that evolved focused on the value of
Pathways to Becoming General Counsel Part One: Understanding the Business
I. Becoming General Counsel “There is no one path to getting to be a GC of an entity. There are multiple ways of doing it.
GC Succession Planning 101, Part Three: Departing with Grace & Defining Your Next Chapter
Preparing for retirement compels General Counsel to construct new plans and embrace their position in unfamiliar territory: a world of drastically expanded free time. Clio’s
GC Succession Planning 101, Part Two: Provide the Maximum Resources to Cement Your Legacy
In our last blog about law department succession planning, we discussed the importance of conducting some soul-searching before taking the plunge into retirement. The ability
GC Succession Planning 101: How to Include the C-Suite
Retirement is all about readiness, and the last few years made seasoned attorneys reexamine their retirement plans. In fact, one-third of retirement-age attorneys in the